Research Cooperations

"Development of a high-temperature stable drilling fluid to reduce drilling costs for deep geothermal projects"


Part of the DFG-SPP 2005: "Opus Fluidum Futurum"

Sub-project: "Investigating the rheological behavior of low water-to-cement concretes admixed with superplasticizers and co-dispersants and the underlying dispersion mechanism"


Cooperation with the University of Jinan, Shandong Province, China

Individual sponsorship of the DFG:
"Ökologische und energetische Optimierung von Betonen: Wechselwirkung strukturell unterschiedlicher Fließmittel mit calcinierten Tonen"
"Ecological and energetic optimization of concrete: Interaction of structurally divergent superplasticizers with calcined clays"



Part of the EU framework program Horizon 2020, Research and Innovation Program (Grant Agreement No. 641202):
"Fast track innovative drilling system for deep geothermal challenges in Europe", ThermoDrill project

Individual sponsorship of the DFG:
"Einfluss der Alterung von Bindemittelsystemen auf die Wirkung bauchemischer Zusatzmittel"
"Impact of the aging of binder systems on the performance of concrete admixtures"


Part of the DFG-SPP program 1569:
"Generation of multifunctional inorganic materials by molecular bionics"


Individual sponsorship of the DFG:
"Wechselwirkung von Polycarboxylat-Fließmitteln mit Tonmineralien im Beton"
"Interaction of polycarboxylate superplasticizers with clay minerals in concrete"


Individual sponsorship of the DFG:
"Einfluß der Vorhydratation von Portlandzement auf die Wirksamkeit von Zusatzmitteln"
"Influence of the pre-hydration of Portland cement on the efficacy of admixtures"


Part of the DFG-SP program 1420:
"Biomimetic Materials Research: Functionality by Hierarchical Structuring of Materials"

Member of EU sponsored NanoCem Consortium  


Part of the DFG-SP program 1182:
"Nachhaltiges Bauen mit ultrahochfesten Beton"
"Sustainable Construction with Ultra-High Performance Concrete"


Individual sponsorship of the DFG:
"Influence of the phase composition of portland cement on
physiosorption and plasticizing effect of polycondensate and
polycarboxylate based concrete superplasticizers" 


as well as further DFG- and third-party funds sponsored projects